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Tag Archives: Health

Important tips for maintaining and preventing acne scars.

Acne scars are caused by acne. Which is inflammation or blockage of pores under the skin. Especially Inflammatory acne that is of moderate to severe severity. This increases the risk of leaving acne scars after the acne disappears. How to prevent hyperpigmentation and acne scars. You should follow the following

3 ways to treat chronic kidney disease

3 ways to treat chronic kidney disease This kidney disease may be caused by abnormalities of the kidney blood vessels. Kidney capillaries, tissues, and kidney and ureter abnormalities The main symptoms are swelling and blood in the urine. It looks similar to watercolor paint. or fresh blood foamy urine This is because

“Celery juice” and its benefits and disadvantages

“Celery juice” and its benefits and disadvantages. That you should know before drinking it. “Celery juice” or freshly squeez is popular among all health lovers right now. It has been recommended over and over and advertised as a health drink with low energy content. And high in nutrients Therefore, it is

The dangers of “sleeping too little“

The dangers of “sleeping too little“ Everyone should know that “sleep” is the best rest for the body. Because the body needs adequate rest and balance every day, but to know this. There are not many people. Who do not pay attention to sleep as they should. Which